Project-Based Teaching and Learning

The purpose of this module is to examine Project-Based Learning from two perspectives: the teacher & the learner. Project-Based Learning incorporates all of the Vital Signs of Learning in a deliberate process of learning or building something that is new and of interest and of importance to the learner. The teacher’s role is to assist and monitor the learning process while the learner’s role is to identify and clarify the project’s progress.

Supplies and Resources you will need for Module E

Download the Video Transcripts and Discussion Guides
Watch the Videos

Activity Steps for Module E

If possible, view the videos with a small group of teachers.

Maximize the benefit from your multiple perspectives.

Within each video and transcript, there are prompts to “pause for discussion,” followed by a question on the screen.

  1. The Teacher Video (Part 1) is about 7 minutes and has 5 discussion questions.
  2. The Student 'Vital Signs' Video (Part 2) is about 14 minutes and has 7 discussion questions.

Academic Wellness | Teaching for Learning (Part 1)

Academic Wellness - Checking Students' Vital Signs of Learning (Part 2)


Take a look at the following resources and adopt one or more that you might use in your own classroom:

How to Share and Receive Feedback

Share and discuss your project outcomes, and request feedback in the Forum.

Enter the Forum